Principles of Secure Electronic Disposal

Principles of Secure Electronic Disposal

E-waste refers to electronic devices that are no longer needed and are discarded. The circular economy is a sustainable system that aims to recycle, refurbish, and reuse IT equipment, extending…

Data Destruction Compliance for Businesses

Data Destruction Compliance for Businesses

With the implementation of the GDPR fast approaching on 25th May 2018, businesses in the UK need to ensure data destruction compliance. Adhering to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)…

Leading the Way with Desktop Recycling Initiatives

Leading the Way with Desktop Recycling Initiatives

Recycling initiatives for desktop computers play a crucial role in promoting sustainability and waste reduction in the workplace. These initiatives focus on the entire lifecycle of a computer, from manufacturing…

Secure Data Destruction: A Pillar of Modern Digital Ethics

Secure Data Destruction: A Pillar of Modern Digital Ethics

In today’s tech-driven society, the implementation of robust data privacy and security measures is paramount for organizations. Data breaches, cyber-attacks, and regulatory non-compliance can have severe consequences, including reputational damage…

The Art of PC Component Refurbishment

The Art of PC Component Refurbishment

PC component refurbishment plays a crucial role in enhancing sustainability in the technology industry. By refurbishing and reusing PC components, we can reduce electronic waste and minimize the environmental impact…

Ensuring Safe Disposal: Workstation Secure Disposal

Ensuring Safe Disposal: Workstation Secure Disposal

Welcome to our article on secure disposal practices and the importance of workstation secure disposal. In today’s digital age, organizations handle vast amounts of sensitive information that require proper disposal…

Advanced Electronic Data Wiping Techniques

Advanced Electronic Data Wiping Techniques

Data destruction is a critical process for ensuring the security and privacy of electronic data. Simply deleting or reformatting a device is not enough to protect sensitive information. Advanced techniques…

Redeeming Environmental Value in PCs

Redeeming Environmental Value in PCs

Revitalise outdated PCs and support sustainability in the UK through environmental component recovery. In today’s digital age, electronic waste poses a significant environmental challenge. However, by harnessing the potential of…

Methods for Effective Physical Data Destruction

Methods for Effective Physical Data Destruction

Data destruction is crucial for businesses to protect sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. There are various methods available to effectively destroy data, ensuring that it is irretrievable….

Best Practices in Secure Data Sanitization

Best Practices in Secure Data Sanitization

Protecting sensitive information and ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations are paramount concerns for businesses and individuals alike. Secure data sanitisation plays a pivotal role in achieving these objectives. In…

The Evolution of E-data Destruction

The Evolution of E-data Destruction

As technology continues to advance, so does the importance of secure disposal of digital information. The evolution of e-data destruction and IT asset disposition practices has led to a greater…

Asset Management for a Sustainable Future

Asset Management for a Sustainable Future

The Liontrust Sustainable Investment team has been using the Sustainable Future investment process since 2001 to seek companies that contribute to creating a cleaner, safer, and healthier world while generating…