Life-Changing Recycled Laptops

How Recycled Laptops Are Changing Lives Around the World

Recycling old laptops is not only beneficial for the environment but also has a significant impact on the lives of jobseekers. Through initiatives like the Ingeus Restart Scheme in London, participants are provided with refurbished laptops, which not only improve their job prospects but also have positive environmental outcomes. Each refurbished laptop purchased for the scheme saves 316kg of carbon and preserves valuable resources like water, lead, gold, iron, aluminium, and steel.

By partnering with BornGood, a company specializing in revitalising unwanted IT hardware, Ingeus ensures that these refurbished laptops are accessible to individuals who cannot afford new technology. This partnership also extends to charitable contributions, with BornGood donating 10% of the refurbished laptops to organizations like the Hackney Migrant Centre. The Ingeus-BornGood partnership has already saved an impressive amount of CO2 emissions, water consumption, and natural resources within just a few months.

The Environmental Impact of Laptops and the Need for Sustainability

Laptops have a significant environmental impact throughout their lifecycle, not just during their use. The production process of laptops involves the consumption of resources like plastic and metals, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. For example, plastic production alone accounts for almost 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, the mining of metals for laptop production also releases carbon dioxide and requires transportation around the world. The energy-intensive manufacturing process, often fueled by coal, adds to the carbon emissions associated with laptops.

Another environmental concern is the short lifespan of laptops, leading to e-waste, one of the fastest-growing waste streams globally. To address these challenges, sustainable solutions include taking care of existing laptops, repairing them when needed, and considering refurbished options.

“The environmental impact of the laptop industry is far-reaching and demands sustainable practices to mitigate the negative effects. By adopting a circular approach that focuses on extending the lifespan of laptops, we can contribute to reducing e-waste and minimizing carbon emissions associated with their production.”

To illustrate the environmental impact of laptops, consider the following table:

Environmental Impact Statistics
Plastic production emissions Almost 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions
Mining emissions Carbon dioxide release and transportation impact
Energy-intensive manufacturing Contributes to carbon emissions
E-waste Fastest-growing waste stream globally

Addressing the environmental impact includes adopting sustainable practices such as:

  • Taking care of existing laptops and maximizing their lifespan
  • Repairing laptops when needed
  • Considering refurbished or renewed laptops as alternatives to new devices

By embracing sustainable approaches, we can make a positive difference and contribute to a more environmentally friendly future.

The Importance of Upcycling and Buying Sustainable Laptops

The most sustainable approach to laptops is upcycling and extending their lifespan. Many laptops can be repaired and upgraded, reducing the need for new devices. By keeping laptops in circulation for longer, we can minimize e-waste and reduce the carbon emissions associated with manufacturing new devices.

Refurbished or renewed laptops are also excellent options for those in need of a new device. They often come with a warranty and are a more sustainable choice compared to buying a brand new laptop. Circular computing companies like Circular Computing produce remanufactured carbon-neutral laptops that perform almost as well as new computers. When purchasing new laptops, it is essential to consider factors like energy efficiency, materials innovation, and the ability to upgrade and recycle the device.

The Benefits of Upcycling Laptops

By upcycling laptops, we contribute to a more sustainable future by reducing electronic waste and extending the life of valuable resources. Upgraded laptops offer the same functionality as new devices while significantly reducing our environmental footprint.

Sustainable Laptop Buying Guide

  • Choose refurbished or renewed laptops from reputable sellers.
  • Check for warranty options to ensure quality and reliability.
  • Consider energy-efficient models to minimize power consumption.
  • Opt for laptops made from sustainable materials whenever possible.
  • Look for laptops that are easy to upgrade and recycle to further extend their lifespan.

Community Impact and Donating Recycled Laptops

Recycled laptops have a profound impact on communities, especially in terms of providing individuals with access to technology and digital skills. Programs like the Go, Get Online scheme in Sunderland, UK, aim to bridge the digital divide by donating laptops and desktops to charities that support IT skill development. These devices help individuals improve their digital skills, enhance their employability, and boost their overall confidence and mental health.

By donating unwanted laptops and IT equipment, private and public sector organizations can contribute to such initiatives and support digitally excluded individuals. The refurbished and upgraded equipment is made available to registered charities and eligible organizations at an affordable cost, allowing them to distribute and share these devices with those in need.

“Recycled laptops provide individuals with access to technology, empowering them to improve their digital skills and enhance employability.”

The impact of donating recycled laptops goes beyond access to technology. It creates opportunities for individuals to gain new skills, explore educational resources, and connect with the digital world. By narrowing the digital divide, these initiatives strengthen communities and promote equal opportunities for all.

In addition to the direct community impact, donating laptops has indirect environmental benefits. By giving unwanted laptops a second life, we reduce the need for producing new devices, which in turn reduces the associated environmental footprint. It’s a win-win situation that addresses both social and environmental challenges.

Moreover, the digital devices donated through such schemes undergo proper refurbishment and upgrades, ensuring that they function optimally. This approach extends the lifespan of the devices and prevents them from becoming e-waste. By extending the lifecycle of laptops, we contribute to a more sustainable future.

With continuous support and collaboration from individuals, organizations, and the government, more initiatives like the Go, Get Online scheme can be implemented to make a lasting impact on communities across the United Kingdom.

In the next section, we will explore the importance of upcycling and buying sustainable laptops to further reduce the environmental impact of computing devices.


Recycled laptops have a profound impact on both individuals and the environment, making them truly life-changing. Initiatives like the Ingeus Restart Scheme in London exemplify the positive outcomes of providing refurbished laptops to jobseekers, improving their job prospects and reducing carbon emissions simultaneously. By embracing the sustainable approach of upcycling and repairing laptops, we can minimize e-waste and decrease the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new devices. Furthermore, donating unwanted laptops and supporting initiatives like the Go, Get Online scheme empower communities through digital inclusion. Together, we can foster sustainability, bridge the digital divide, and make a positive difference in the world.


How are recycled laptops beneficial for the environment?

Recycled laptops have a significant positive environmental impact by reducing carbon emissions, preserving valuable resources, and minimizing e-waste.

What is the Ingeus Restart Scheme in London?

The Ingeus Restart Scheme in London is an initiative that provides refurbished laptops to jobseekers, improving their job prospects and reducing carbon emissions.

How does partnering with BornGood benefit the Ingeus Restart Scheme?

The partnership with BornGood ensures that refurbished laptops are accessible to individuals who cannot afford new technology, and 10% of the laptops are donated to organizations like the Hackney Migrant Centre.

What are the environmental concerns related to laptops?

The production process of laptops consumes resources, releases greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes to e-waste, one of the fastest-growing waste streams globally.

What is the most sustainable approach to laptops?

Upcycling and extending the lifespan of laptops through repairs and upgrades is the most sustainable approach, minimizing e-waste and reducing the carbon emissions associated with manufacturing new devices.

Why should I consider buying a refurbished laptop?

Refurbished laptops are more sustainable options compared to buying new laptops, often come with a warranty, and are produced by circular computing companies that focus on carbon neutrality.

How do recycled laptops impact communities?

Recycled laptops provide individuals with access to technology and digital skills, enhancing their employability, confidence, mental health, and bridging the digital divide.

How can private and public sector organizations contribute to community impact?

By donating unwanted laptops and supporting initiatives like the Go, Get Online scheme, organizations can empower communities through digital inclusion.

What are the overall benefits of recycled laptops?

Recycled laptops benefit both individuals and the environment by improving job prospects, reducing carbon emissions, minimizing e-waste, and fostering sustainability and digital inclusion.

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