where to recycle vhs tapes near me

Where to Recycle VHS Tapes Near Me: Eco-Friendly Disposal

VHS tapes take us back to the days of home videos and family time. Yet, as we’ve moved on technologically, it’s vital we dispose of these items properly. They’re not just clutter; VHS tapes can harm our planet if thrown away carelessly. They contain bad stuff that can damage our environment and health. It’s crucial…

IT Equipment Upcycling

Recycling vs. Upcycling: IT Equipment Edition

Recycling and upcycling are two different approaches to managing IT equipment waste. Recycling involves breaking down the components of a product to be used as raw materials for new products. Upcycling, on the other hand, involves creatively reusing the product or its parts to create a new item of higher value or quality. IT equipment…

School Computer Recycling Programs

How Schools Can Benefit from Computer Recycling Programmes

Recycling in schools can have a significant positive impact on the environment and on students’ learning experiences. According to Recycle Now, the average primary school in the UK produces 45kg of waste per pupil each year, with up to 78% of that waste being recyclable or compostable. By implementing recycling programmes in schools, educators can…