can bubblewrap be recycled uk

Can Bubblewrap Be Recycled in the UK? How to Dispose of It

Bubble wrap is well-loved for its protective ability and fun sounds. In the UK, we produce an amazing 240,000 miles of bubble wrap every year. Yet, not everyone knows how it affects the environment or the ways to recycle bubblewrap. If not disposed of correctly, it can linger in landfills for over 500 years, adding…

can you recycle plastic coat hangers

Can Plastic Coat Hangers Be Recycled? Options for Disposal

Plastic coat hangers fill our closets but we often overlook their environmental toll. 40 billion plastic hangers are used annually, adding significantly to plastic waste. Of the 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic ever made, about 6.3 billion metric tons have become waste. This fact points to a major issue of plastic pollution. The big…

can wood be recycled

Can Wood Be Recycled? Options for Sustainable Disposal

Wood recycling plays a big part in keeping our planet green. Around 70-75% of wood can be reused, which lessens the amount going to dumpsites. This helps save our precious resources. Local wood recycling centres can turn old wood into mulch or wood chips. This is great for gardening. Learning about the different types of…

where can you recycle light bulbs

Where Can You Recycle Light Bulbs? Eco-Friendly Disposal

Getting rid of light bulbs the right way is key for protecting our surroundings. Bulbs like CFLs and fluorescent tubes have mercury, which is bad for the environment. When they’re thrown out carelessly, this mercury can get into our soil and water, which is dangerous. Recycling light bulbs stops these toxins from spreading. It also…

can you put polystyrene in recycling bin

Can You Put Polystyrene in the Recycling Bin? Know the Rules

Polystyrene foam, also known as Styrofoam, is everywhere in packaging and food containers. But, most curbside recycling doesn’t take it because recycling it is hard. It’s important to know the recycling rules in your area to dispose of it right. In places like Los Angeles and its nearby areas, you can recycle polystyrene in your…